ADHD version at the bottom
Hello people, I have made decent progress within this month. I have finally made an account and added some art. I will do this sort of thing each month. I'm hoping to make atleast 10 art posts each month, and I already have seven. Hopefully I will rise ranks, which might not happen. My art isnt that beautiful, and I dont even own flash yet. (I am hoping to get it soon.) Once I have that I will begin to do some animations and games, (If I figure out how to do it.)
I have been really busy, working at a family garage sale.. I've been trying to be more productive, and this is how I will do it.. Maybe people will reconize my creations, (I havent even been scouted!) Yeah, maybe I will get to know people a bit more. When I finally am where I think I should be I will slow down my work, (That is going to be a while from now..) Yeah, thanks for reading, if you even did.. Bye.
ADHD Version: UberE is hoping that he will be more successful with his projects and will be continuing his art.
Please comment, I fell lonely